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Custom Formicariums & 

The Pro Series™ is our newest line of Formicariums available to you! Coming in all different sizes & shapes, we're proud to offer these formicariums to you.

Each formicarium is completely customizable to the colony of ants that you wish to keep. 

All of our previously existing products, these formicariums are made with a 100% FormiCan™ coating, which is our brand medium.

These formicariums act as a natural hard sponge to retain moisture as well as maintaining a balanced temperature within the nest. Our FormiBrick is similar to structure as Ytong, which has been widely used as a choice medium for ant farms for decades in the EU. 

Just like Formicon, our FormiBrick is bioactive capable. The natural materials used facilitate microbial growth and promote a healthy micro-ecosystem within which prevents molds and other types of bacteria fro
m threatening your ant colony. The natural way has always been the best way.

These formicariums are the must-have for any serious ant keeper and are easy to set up! 


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